Rockwood State Forest

Rockwood State Forest
Click the Photo for the Song of the Month---Richochei "Perfect Like You"

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New snow

Fulton County -- Precipitation Reports
Mayfield1.00"Snow7:00:00 AM11/23/2011
Caroga Lake3.00"Snow6:00:00 AM11/23/2011
Fish House2.00"Snow5:00:00 AM11/23/2011
Hamilton County -- Precipitation Reports
Wells6.50"Snow8:00:00 PM11/22/2011
Piseco5.00"Snow6:00:00 AM11/23/2011
Hoffmeister6.50"Snow9:00:00 PM11/22/2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

New Snow

Fulton County -- Precipitation Reports
Caroga Lake4.50"Snow11/18/2011
Fish House1.10"Snow11/18/2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Nice Opener

Well, we know it's too early for the snow to stick around, but I can't remember a first snow of such intensity in awhile. It looks like areas around Rockwood got 1.75 inches. The snow was dense, sticky, yet lofty.The morning was spectacular with bluebird skies and trees decorated with snow and the reflected light making everything brighter than usual.

Notify me through these posts if you would like to post trail reports here. I think blogger can support up to ten individual posters. But you can always just comment on any post with your own trail reports from Rockwood.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some of the best magic in the world is snow

My favorite time to ski might be spring. The relief from the cold, and the longer days, make spring skiing as carefree as taking a walk in the summer. If the snowpack is really good, I would say spring is best. The corn snow doesn't stick to your boards in above-freezing temperatures, a light sweater is all you need for a top layer, and your form is usually pretty well tuned from the winter. Unless you're talking about skiing directly after a big snow during the heart of winter and making first tracks through snowclad woods, spring skiing is something for which to make time.

Just for the record,--not that I made a visit to Rockwood to verify,---the skiable snowcover left the trails approx. April 6th. Plenty more time to ski in the Adirondacks.

Hoping the Foothills ADK chapter can organize a clean up of the downed limbs in the trails at Rockwood this coming summer or fall.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Snow for April Fool's Day

The storm was forecasted to drop 8-12", then it was changed to 5-8", but Mother Nature fooled us. Even the Adirondacks were completely missed.

Fulton County -- Precipitation Reports

Caroga Lake
06:00:00 AM

05:00:00 AM

Fish House
05:00:00 AM

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hard snow

Snow is still plentiful, but we can use a little warm up after a very cold weekend. I skied the southeast part of Rockwood on hard snow. Only a few places are postholed deeply by snowshoes, back when the base was very soft. I found a 1/2" layer of fresh snow on South Loop Rd, covering the bulletproof base of over a foot.

Once we get a few days of warm weather the corn snow will be back in the woods. Branches in the trails are more and more an issue as the base evaporates. Bring a good snowplow for the downhills while the snow is hard. The southeast is THE most hilly of all the areas in Rockwood.

From the main parking lot, I skied the Forest Edge all the way to the far east entrance, passed through the stone pillars and skied South Loop Rd.  I took D South Rd down between the Twin Peaks and back. I skied Camp Rd north to the Chimney and took Chimney Loop Trail out to D Spur. Then I went south on D spur and skied South Loop Rd again to D East Rd and out to the Forest Edge. The return to the parking lot on the Forest Edge on very firm base was fast and fun.

Started 3:30 at 36 degrees
Ended 5:30 at 35 degrees

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warm nights

Warm nights are good for growing tomatos, not for spring skiing. The North Loop Rd to Rockwood Lake and back is skiable, but the base is not what it could be. The base has softened up,--not mashed potatos just yet,--but it's easy for your tails to start dragging in it. The surface is wet corn snow. I went to Rockwood Lake and back and then skied part of the B Road and the nearby trails. Not a bad ski after work in only a light sweater and watch cap. The recent warm nights and lots of long and wonderful days of sunlight and warmth are tranforming the snow pretty quickly. Rockwood Lake is slushy with standing water near the shoreline. I didn't go on the lake as there were no tracks on it. In doubt, I avoided it. There's so many downed branches in the trails to be cleaned up this year.

Started 5 pm at 50 degrees
Out at 6:50pm
Skis: Fischer Snowbounds

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Warm day, great kick

I skied Spring Road, then went on to C-Connector Rd. and descended into Big Bowl where I was breaking trail. Only Spring Road was broken out since last Monday's storm. I skied both the C-Connector Valley Trail as well as the upper C-Con Rd., breaking trail. Then I came out via D Spur and the conditions were good enough I did one more loop on Spring Rd/ C-Con/D Spur. Only a few post holes a few hundred feet in from the road. I had great kick today and I went off trail a few times and climbed some pretty steep stuff easily. A few people from the Canajoharie Snowshoe Club (CSSC) were on the trails.

Snow is in great shape, softened up with the warmth, no more powder, but there is more than enough snow for spring skiing. The C-North trail is the only one I saw NOT broken out in the southwest

Snow: 26", soft corn snow
Started at 10:30 around 32 degrees
Came out at 3:30 at 42 degrees
Skis: Fischer Snowbound Crown
Boots: Fischer BXC6 NNN-BC

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Snow on Monday March 7

Rockwood saw 12" of new packing snow, and while the good effects are obvious, the bad effect is the trees are heavily laden with snow and arching across even the widest trails. It was difficult to go 50 yards without having to pick my way through or around a veil of snowbound trees in the trail. It looks like the biggest offenders are the moosewood (striped maple) trees, those with the smooth green bark. I saw 6" diameter moosewood trees arched completely across the trails. Seems like those trees are supple.

Conditions were supreme, though. It was like skiing in a snow globe. It was difficult to get perspective on things with everything in sight laden with heavy fresh snow. I broke trail the whole way. A nice ski after work with a pink and gray alpenglow sky at dusk.

Snow: 30 inches, 12" new layer of packing snow
Skis: Fischer Snowbound Crown 77/61/71
Boots: Fischer BCX6
Arrived: 5pm
Out: 6:30pm
Air Temp:   28