My favorite time to ski might be spring. The relief from the cold, and the longer days, make spring skiing as carefree as taking a walk in the summer. If the snowpack is really good, I would say spring is best. The corn snow doesn't stick to your boards in above-freezing temperatures, a light sweater is all you need for a top layer, and your form is usually pretty well tuned from the winter. Unless you're talking about skiing directly after a big snow during the heart of winter and making first tracks through snowclad woods, spring skiing is something for which to make time.
Just for the record,--not that I made a visit to Rockwood to verify,---the skiable snowcover left the trails approx. April 6th. Plenty more time to ski in the Adirondacks.
Hoping the Foothills ADK chapter can organize a clean up of the downed limbs in the trails at Rockwood this coming summer or fall.